We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! We had lots of fun with family (we missed you, Michael & Mary, Amy & Jake, and Stacey & Randy!). Steve's parents came in for a few days! It was so awesome that they were able to make it out, but it was too short of a visit. We wish Cincinnati and Reading, PA were closer together...
Here are some favorite pictures from 2007:

Reunion with some friends from college. Yes, that is the back of my head as I was running to get back in the picture!

A new addition to the family! Meet Cleopatra Quesadilla Kisses Smith (aka Cleo).
Kristen Votapek got married! Also in this picture: Cheryl Durst & Karen Stasiowski.
The Three Amigos at a Fiesta Fundraiser at church.

Our precious girls.

My sister made this awesome cake for Steve's birthday. I threw a surprise birthday party for him, and he was completely surprised!

Lily dislocated her knee and had to have emergency surgery. She was in a cast for a very long 6 weeks! She still has a pin holding her knee cap in place.

Happy Birthday to me!

We got a new church van!

My three best friends from college (Rhino, Cheryl, & Tucky) and I meet up once a year in a different city and have a ball. I don't have a picture of all of us together, but I really love this one of Rhino and Tucky walking.

At Craig & Amy's wedding. Stephen was the best man.
Super models on the beach.

Larry the Cable Guy and a pirate wench.

Family picture.
Steve's vest matched his stocking on Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas!
2007 was a great year that was filled with surpises, challenges, and happiness. Here's to making 2008 even better!