So my 3 best friends from college (Tucky, Cheryl and Rhino) and I get together once a year for a girls weekend. None of us live in the same city, so it's hard to get together on a regular basis. Rhino is in the process of moving from Louisiana back up North, so we met in Danville, IN while she and her family were stopping at her parents house. Good times were had by all! We ate at a pretty little Italian restaurant, went shopping, ate pizza and watched movies in our sweatpants, braved the cold to soak in the hot tub, told secrets, took silly pictures, and laughed until we cried. It was just like we were in college again. I'm so thankful for good friends that are constant even though our lives are ever changing! We'll be having girls weekends until we are old ladies :)
Rhino and I are both pregnant right now. She is only a week ahead of me! She is due on May 6th and I'm due on the 12th. I hope we have our babies on the same day! It's so nice having a friend who is going through the same things I am at the same time. Here are some pictures from the weekend:
The 2 pregos.

Showing off our sexy stomaches.

Flashing our gang signs. Tucky looks like she's I Dream of Jeannie, haha.

Hot tub!

This is our "I'm freezing" face.

A recreation of one of our favorite pictures from college.