Okay, I realize that Abby turns 7 months in 6 days and I still haven't did the 6 month post. So sorry! I've been busy!

This has been a very eventful month for you, baby girl!
You can now sit up all by yourself! No help needed!

You have both of your middle bottom teeth in. They are too cute when you smile :) I think the top middle ones are coming next!
You are now eating cereal, vegetables, and fruit. You LOVE to eat!
You weigh 18.4 pounds and are 26 inches long. (75 percentile in weight, 50th in height)

You are still sleeping through the night. You would rather sleep in your bed than in Mommy's arms. I'm so proud of your independence, but it makes me a smidge sad too :)
You give the sweetest hugs I've ever received!
When we are riding in the car, you like to sing along with the radio!
You now know how to wave hi and bye! A few times I promise it has sounded like you are saying hi!
You now refuse to breastfeed. You are much too interested in everything going on around you to be bothered with laying down to eat, haha. Mommy still pumps breastmilk for you, so you are still getting the nutrient you need. Formula is too expensive anyway!
We got your Christmas pictures taken, and you were such a HAM! I think we've got an entertainer on our hands :)
Your 1st Thanksgiving was really fun! Everyone was so excited to see you, and you were such a charmer, as always! :)
Some Piknik fun below :)