Thursday, September 24, 2009

You've Got A Smile That Could Light Up This Whole Town

Oh Baby Girl... You get sweeter and sweeter every day!

4. Months. Old.

How can it be??

What have you been up to this month?

  • You can now grab your feet and even stick them in your mouth.
  • You can sit up in the corner of the couch and not fall over.
  • You have started reaching for things.
  • Your hand/eye coordination is really improving!
  • You started rice cereal and you LOVE it.
  • You have started to suck your thumb. It may be the cutest thing ever!
  • You talk, talk, talk.
  • You said the word WOW twice! Daddy and I say this is your unofficial 1st word :)
  • You still hate tummy time.
  • You still don't sleep through the night, but we're working on it.
  • You now weigh 15 pounds and are 24.5 inches long. Big girl!!

I can't believe how big you are!

Let's see how you've grown.

2 months.3 months.

4 months.

I get weepy thinking about how fast you're growing, but I'm so excited for all of the fun, new things that are coming. I love you Abigail Rose :)