You are still sleeping through the night. You would rather sleep in your bed than in Mommy's arms. I'm so proud of your independence, but it makes me a smidge sad too :)

My thoughts on life, love, and being a Mom.
Posted by Kitty Smitty at 2:03 PM 43 comments
Wow, time is seriously flying!
You are doing so many new things this month!
I love you soooo much, Baby Girl!!!
Posted by Kitty Smitty at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Oh Baby Girl... You get sweeter and sweeter every day!
4. Months. Old.
How can it be??
What have you been up to this month?
Let's see how you've grown.
2 months.3 months.
Posted by Kitty Smitty at 2:18 PM 1 comments
Posted by Kitty Smitty at 9:34 AM 2 comments
She's here!!!! Abigail Rose arrived Wednesday night at 7:04. She weighed 8 pounds and 3.5 ounces. She is 20 3/4 inches long. She's a big girl!
Posted by Kitty Smitty at 8:00 AM 0 comments
So my water broke this morning at 4:30! We are now at the hospital and things are progressing nicely. I was at 3 cm when i got here at around 6, and now, at 10:45 I'm almost at a 5. They just started me on a low dose of pitocin, so we'll see how it goes! I've been walking around and enjoying my time here so far! Please pray for baby because there is some meconium coming out with the water, which means that she has already had a bowel movement in there. Probably nothing to worry about, but is potentially a problem. We'll update again when she gets here!!!
Posted by Kitty Smitty at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Welp, today is my due date, and the baby still isn't here... I go to a midwife, and she said they won't even consider inducing me until 42 weeks. I hope Little Miss Smith decides to come before then! I'm already going crazy :) We'll keep you updated! Here is a pic of me at 39.5 weeks.
Posted by Kitty Smitty at 12:10 PM 1 comments