Oh Baby Girl... You get sweeter and sweeter every day!
4. Months. Old.
How can it be??
What have you been up to this month?
- You can now grab your feet and even stick them in your mouth.
- You can sit up in the corner of the couch and not fall over.
- You have started reaching for things.
- Your hand/eye coordination is really improving!
- You started rice cereal and you LOVE it.
- You have started to suck your thumb. It may be the cutest thing ever!
- You talk, talk, talk.
- You said the word WOW twice! Daddy and I say this is your unofficial 1st word :)
- You still hate tummy time.
- You still don't sleep through the night, but we're working on it.
- You now weigh 15 pounds and are 24.5 inches long. Big girl!!
I can't believe how big you are!
Let's see how you've grown.
2 months.3 months.

I get weepy thinking about how fast you're growing, but I'm so excited for all of the fun, new things that are coming. I love you Abigail Rose :)
That smile vanishes all sad faces. Between her smile & laughter she puts a smile on everyones face including strangers. She has stolen our hearts.
She is also a nosy little lady(doesn't miss a thing).
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