Friday, December 21, 2007

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Last Friday was the annual Lovelies Gift Exchange! I do this with my three best friends Betsy, Holly & Carmen. We are only allowed to spend $5 dollars on each person. This is always very challenging and exciting. This year, I made them these purses:I'm sorry, these pictures don't do them justice. My camera is crap. I spent quite a bit of time on these, and I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. The Lovelies seemed pretty happy too :) I received a pretty, sparkly shoe ornament, some bling for my phone (in the shape of a skull & cross-bones!), a pretty bag, some great smelling potpouri, a pair of socks also with the skull and cross-bones (my friends really know me!), and some sweet Hello Kitty treasures! It's truly amazing how much good stuff you can find for under $5.

Carmen & Holly's house is so cutely decorated for Christmas. These may be my favorite Christmas decorations ever:Stephen and I have had a fun time wrapping presents for everyone. I promise that is soda in that green bottle :)

This is such a cute picture! I have a precious family! Look at Steve's awesome mohawk!
I had to add this picture, because it's so weird. Doesn't Cleo's arm look deformed? Or broken even? Gross.
I made a couple of tutus for Lexi and Nessa. I think they will love them, and I can't wait to see them dancing around like little fairies in them!
Stephen volunteered to model them for me.
I think he makes a lovely bride.
We hope everyone has a VERY Merry Christmas! We love you all!!!

P.S. Congratulations to this Lovely Lady on getting engaged last night!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ahh, that's better!

So I got a little crazy with the camera and took over 40 pictures last night of our tree and decorations! I will just pick the best ones!

Our house finally looks more Winter Wonderland-ish! Same view, more stuff:
Lily just HAD to be in this picture. I am totally obsessed with placemats! I have differents ones for every season and for every holiday! :)
Ooh, shimmery!
We don't have a fire to hang our stockings by, so this'll have to do...
Yep, I even have Christmas potholders!
A pretty cool ornament.
A few different pics of our tree. I personally like the last three best :)
In an unusual feat of greatness, I was somehow able to get the girls to sit for this picture. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Perfectly Pink Rice Krispy Treats

When Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island, died on December 4th, 1894, he willed his November 13th birthday to a friend who disliked her own Christmas birthday. I have a friend whose birthday is on Christmas Day. I wonder if she'd like to have my June 24th birthday?

I know I said there would be pictures of decorations, but last night I just didn't feel like taking any. Here are a couple of the nativity we have set up, though.
On Sunday we had our Christmas party with the youth group. We played silly games like Charades and Mad Gab and ate lots of sweet treats like these:
What a fine looking group!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Bah Humbug!

Last year I felt very indifferent about the whole holiday season, but this year I'm so pumped for Christmas that I wanted to decorate WAY before Thanksgiving. Here's a pic of how the decorations have progressed so far. I should be done tonight, so hopefully tomorrow I'll have some more detailed pics up. Can you see that "Elf" is on the TV? I can't get enough of that movie this year! "Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?" :)

We found a nice little Christmas tree that isn't nearly as big as the one last year, but it was about $50 cheaper! Stephen got to help them put the netting on the tree, and he looked so cute doing it!
We had a birthday party for my sister on the 1st. Here's a pic of her opening her SWEET boots, and one of Lexi and Nessa laughing and being adorable.
Somehow Cleo got a dry erase marker in her cage and ate it! We caught her red pawed! ;)
Stephen and I played Checkers the other night. Here is the checker board and pieces. Pretty cool, huh?
While we were playing, the girls were sleeping on the couch like this:
Sooo comfy! I love these two little pups so much! More to come of Christmas decorations and gifts that are being made!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Adieu Part 2

6. The dogs got some much needed hair cuts. Here are some before and after pictures.

The red and blue jerseys were their Halloween costumes. Lily was a soccer player and Cleo was a football player.


7. Steve's parents came out for a visit right before Thanksgiving. It was great to see them!!! We were sad to see them go....
Helping Grandpa read the directions.

But I want to play too!
Lily pretty much hates that hood!
But she LOVES her Grammy!

8. The brakes were going bad on my car, so my dad fixed them. Thank God for a dad like him! He always takes care of me!

9. Thanksgiving was great! Went bowling with my mom's side of the family like always. Sadly, Stephen was unable to go, because he had to work the next day...That sermon he had to preach on Sunday was also just over the horizon (he did amazing, by the way!)


My cousin Brittany and I. Also a good shot of my argyles and killer bowling shoes that Stephen got me last year for Christmas.
The 112 is me. I think it's the best score I've ever gotten!

10. The women of the family went shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Amber, Kayla and I stayed up all night. The stores opened at 4 am! It was crazy! No sleep makes for some pretty loopy pictures..
That's KINDA better! Amber looks a little high!

11. Amber and I went to the Dave Barnes/Matt Wertz concert for a sister's night. Too much fun! Dave Barnes rocks my socks!

I hope that helps you all feel sufficiently updated on our lives! :) Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! For the ones we didn't get to see, we miss you terribly!

A fun family pic for the road...