Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ahh, that's better!

So I got a little crazy with the camera and took over 40 pictures last night of our tree and decorations! I will just pick the best ones!

Our house finally looks more Winter Wonderland-ish! Same view, more stuff:
Lily just HAD to be in this picture. I am totally obsessed with placemats! I have differents ones for every season and for every holiday! :)
Ooh, shimmery!
We don't have a fire to hang our stockings by, so this'll have to do...
Yep, I even have Christmas potholders!
A pretty cool ornament.
A few different pics of our tree. I personally like the last three best :)
In an unusual feat of greatness, I was somehow able to get the girls to sit for this picture. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!!


michael and mary said...

Hey guys... I just caught up on your blog.. Cute pictures...looks like you guys are doing great!!!

We will miss you this weekend. Have fun at Iles Xmas!
