Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Jobs for All!

Greetings to our dear family and friends! We decided to make a blog so we can keep you all updated on our lives! We know how hard it can be to keep up with emails and calls, so this way it might be easier to know what is going on with us!

Stephen and I just celebrated our one year anniversary this past Sunday!!! It's hard to believe it's already been a year, but at the same time, it feels like it's been so much longer. We spent our anniversary at the Reds game with the kids in the youth group. It was super hot (99 degrees!), but lots of fun too!

I (Kitty) just started a new job a week and 1/2 ago. It is MUCH different from my previous job, but it's a nice change. They make an educational internet search engine for kids that filters out all the bad stuff. And if you know me well, you know that I'm a HUGE advocate for things like that! So I think I'm really going to like it. :)

Stephen also just got a new job. He had an interview yesterday, and they loved him so much, they hired him on the spot! He starts on August 20th. More updates on how he likes it later!

I'll leave you all with a cute pic of our pups, Lily & Cleo!

We love you all!!!


michael and mary said...

It sounds like you guys are doing great! Congrats on your anniversary and new jobs!
We think of you guys often and wished that we saw each other more.

Welcome to blogland! We're excited that we now have another way to keep in touch with you!
Love, Michael, Mary, and Ava

Anonymous said...

yay! and congrats all around (even though i knew about your new)! but what it is it that steve is doing or that his new job will be? i hope he loves it!
- carmen

Anonymous said...

congrats you guys! i didn't know you guys had a blog...but i guess it's the thing to do now! we will save the links so we can keep up. :) glad things are going well for you both and congrats on the 1st year anniversary too!