Last Friday was the annual Lovelies Gift Exchange! I do this with my three best friends Betsy, Holly & Carmen. We are only allowed to spend $5 dollars on each person. This is always very challenging and exciting. This year, I made them these purses:I'm sorry, these pictures don't do them justice. My camera is crap. I spent quite a bit of time on these, and I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. The Lovelies seemed pretty happy too :) I received a pretty, sparkly shoe ornament, some bling for my phone (in the shape of a skull & cross-bones!), a pretty bag, some great smelling potpouri, a pair of socks also with the skull and cross-bones (my friends really know me!), and some sweet Hello Kitty treasures! It's truly amazing how much good stuff you can find for under $5.
Carmen & Holly's house is so cutely decorated for Christmas. These may be my favorite Christmas decorations ever:Stephen and I have had a fun time wrapping presents for everyone. I promise that is soda in that green bottle :)

P.S. Congratulations to this Lovely Lady on getting engaged last night!!!