Friday, May 2, 2008

Long Time, No Talk

I have some pics to show everyone, but I can't find the cord thingy that plugs into my camera and the computer. Until then, please be patient with me.

Things have been rough around here lately. The short of it is: Lily hurt her OTHER leg, and will probably have to have surgery, and we have having some financial issues and church issues. We could really use your prayers right now!

My sister, my cousin Nic, and I are headed to Louisiana tonight. We are going to see my mom's side of the family and I get to see Rhino Roles!!! This is the first time I've been in Louisiana in about 15 years. The last time was when my Grandpa Johnson passed away. We will be there for a week!

I'm sad to be leaving Stephen for a whole week...A week seems like a year to me right now ;)

I love you all, and I promise to post pictures when I find that cord thingy!